Sunday, October 5, 2014

Great Friends
Great friends are such a treasure,
And are often far and few.
So when we count our blessings,
We count great friends, like you.
Loving families and true friends
Have immeasurable worth.
And bring the most true happiness
That one can know on Earth.
So we thank you for your friendship,
And we thank dear God above,
for giving us great friends like you,
to cherish, and to love.
Ron Tranmer

This post is for all the friends I've made throughout my life.  I feel so blessed! 
I'm so thankful for all my friendships.  Friends from school, friends I'm met through work, church, and also through other people. 
I had the pleasure this past weekend of going to my 35th class reunion.  It was so great to see friends.  Some I rarely get to visit.  What fun it was to reminisce about our high school days. 
When we were growing up, we might not have had all the things kids have know-a-days, but we were and still are, so rich with friendships! 

And friends can come in all shapes and sizes.  Biscuit and Rocky have become best buddies too!  Nothing like taking a nap next to your buddy!   

A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.  Author Unknown

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